Song for Beha’alotcha

Numbers 10:35-36

When the ark would travel Moses,

Our teacher, would say


Oh rise, Holy One

May oppression be banished

May hatred be vanquished

Around you.


And when we rested, we learned to say

As Moses, our teacher, would say


Be here, Holy One,

For the millions of us all together,

Be here, Holy One, for your children Yisrael

Vaye’hi bi’nsoa ha’aron

Va’yomer Moshe


Kuma Adonai

V’yafutzu oyvecha

V’yanusu m’sanei’cha



Uv’nucho yomar (2x)



Shuva Adonai riv’vot alfei Yisrael


Shuva Adonai riv’vot alfei Yisrael

ויהי בנסעה ארן ויאמר משה קומה יי ויפצו איביך וינסו משנאיך מפניך

ובנחה יאמר שובה יי רבבות אלפי ישראל