Song for Emor

Leviticus 23:4-5 and 23:24

These are the seasons we set for our celebration

We call them at their time, each at their time.


On the first month of the year,

On the fourteenth day, near the evening

It’s time to begin

Seven days of Pesach.

These are the seasons we set . . .


On the seventh month of the year

On the first day, the first day

Hear the shofar call

For Rosh Hashanah

These are the seasons we set . . .

Eleh moadei Adonai mikra’ei kodesh

Asher tikru otam b’moadam.


Ba’chodesh ha’rishon

B’arba’ah asar la’chodesh

Bein ha’arbayim

Pesach la’Adonai.

Eleh modei . . .


Ba’chodesh ha’shvi’i

B’echad la’chodesh yihiyeh lachem

Shabaton zichron truah

Mikrah kodesh

Eleh moadei . . .

אלה מועדי יי מקראי קדש אשר תקראו אתם במועדם

בחדש הראשון בארבעה עשר לחדש בין הערבים פםח ליי


בחדש השביעי באחד לחדש יהיה לכם שבתון זכרון תרועה מקרא קדש