Song for Vayeira
Genesis 22:17
Blessed be the blessings you shall receive
Great will be the greatness through your deeds.
Blessed be the blessings you shall receive
Great will be the greatness through your seed.
Wide as the stars spread across the heavens
Vast as the sands scattered on the shores.
Blessed be the blessings you shall receive
Great will be the greatness through your seed.
Ki vareich avarech’cha
V’harbah arbeh et zara’cha.
Ki vareich avarech’cha
V’harbah arbeh et zara’cha.
K’chochvei ha’shamayim,
V’cha’chol asher al s’fat ha’yam.
Ki vareich avarech’cha
V’harbah arbeh et zara’cha.
כי ברך אברכך והרבה ארבה את זרעך
ככוכבי השמים וכחול אשר על שפת הים